Sunday, September 15, 2013


I absolutely love the smell of rain. Today in Rockford the rain has been steadily falling. Consistently just pouring from the sky. Not the thunderous violent kind of rain but the gentle steady flow, the soothing kind. It's been a soothing kind of day inside as well. 

Fall is definitely here and the temperature is getting cooler, the weather is getting wetter, we are being prepared for the coming winter. In a lot of ways I feel as if God's been preparing my heart for the time that's coming. In more than one aspect of life I've questioned God's goodness and knowledge. Just like the fall prepares us for winter, I feel as if the circumstances I've experienced in the last few months have prepared me to lean on Him and see Him like I never have before.

Today's gifts:

1. Beautiful fall leaves
2. Lush greenery
3. A feisty wet puppy
4. Hand knit socks
5. A Seahawks win!


Saturday, September 14, 2013


I am weary. Despite being bone tired I've had some really good moments that are gifts from God. So thankful for not walking this journey called life alone. I haven't got many words to share really, but quite a few pictures. Hope you get a feel for where I'm at and all that I'm thankful for. 

Singing with the family

Cheesecake so good Aulbrey & I practically licked the containers

Super soft yarn

My mischievous cousin Hiran! Love the smile that hasn't ever changed

An example of a strong marriage 


Peacefully sleeping puppies

Thrift store shopping

Beautiful handmade earrings

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Football & Nail polish

What do football & nail polish have to do with thankfulness? Plenty! I am an avid football fan. Today marks the first week of the regular season.  To me, being a football fan means good season or bad I support my team. I'm learning that a relationship with God is similar in that respect. I choose to have a relationship with God regardless of what this "season" looks like. Right now I'm in a really tough season of life. I would really rather not walk the road I'm walking. I am being faced with choices I'd rather not have to make, I'm faced with a reality that hurts my heart. Once again I have to choose whether or not I'm going to stick to my relationship with God. So I choose to hold on. I choose football and nail polish. 

Today's gifts:

1. Painting my mom's toes - quality time
2. Watching my team win - go Hawks!
3. A tree right outside the window with gorgeous green leaves waving in the wind

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Being thankful is tough to do when faced with life sometimes. Making the choice to acknowledge God's goodness, favor & grace brings with it acceptance. I have found that in order to be truly thankful I have to accept where I'm at. Failure to do so results in contingent thankfulness.  What I mean is, if you don't accept your circumstances as they are in the present, then your thankfulness is contingent upon some upcoming event in order to be thankful.  For me this means that while I choose to be thankful I must also choose to be accepting of where I am, or rather where God has placed me.  Being accepting doesn't mean giving up, it means I am subjecting myself to His sovereignty and to His plan all the while knowing and trusting in God's goodness.

Today's gifts:

1. Oxygen - the way oxygen molecules share their outer electrons reminds me of how thankfulness & acceptance go together
2. Strangers hanging out supporting the local urban gardening community
3. The river

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]" Matthew 11:28 (AMP)

I think it is so interesting that this scripture used the words "heavy laden and overburdened." It is as if the author wanted to emphasize the fact that he was pushed to his limit. Has someone ever said to you, "God won't give you more than you can handle," as means of comfort? While the words are well intentioned they aren't actually true.  If you're never taxed beyond your limit, how do you know when to ask for help? Would you be willing to accept help if you needed it? 

The gift in being over burdened is knowing Someone else can handle it and give me rest. He who created me with all my limits gives me the opportunity to come to Him and be refreshed.

Today's gifts:

1. Skilled nursing care
2. Access to healthcare
3. Unconditional love

Monday, September 2, 2013

And the hits keep coming....

Do you ever feel as if you will never get a break? That's how I feel right now. I could use a break from all that I am going through. 
Despite it all I will choose again to see the gifts. Choosing to see God's goodness in the face of loss, in the face of overwhelming odds is hard. I honestly don't feel like it at the moment. I choose it. 

Today's gifts:

1. My parents marriage.
2. A present from a friend
3. A treat from my sister.